Overwriting Methods

There are many different ways you can go about overwriting methods, but before you do, you must ask yourself, "do I really need to @Overwrite this?".

Overwriting has its upsides:

  • Not needing to deal with CallbackInfos, or long @Ats
  • Not needing to create complex method signature to inject into
  • Easier to write

But it also has downsides:

  • Less compatibility with other mixins/mods
  • Can cause problems if the target method's body unexpectedly changes before the overwrite is applied

So choose wisely!


Here is an example of a simple overwrite for a getter method:

package my.project.mixins;

import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite;

public class MixinMyTarget {
    private String myString = "hello world, I am set in the mixin!";

    public String getMyString() {  // the method signature must match exactly!
        return this.myString;